The service from Krakow to Kolobrzeg on the Baltic Coast departs at 13.38 and offers a journey time of 8h 37min, compared with more than 10 hours for existing long-distance services on this route.

The Warszawa Wschodnia – Jelena Gora service departs at 17.19 with a journey time of 5h 44min.

PKP Intercity launched its Pendolino fleet in December 2014 and the trains are used on services from Warsaw to Gdynia, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Krakow, Katowice, Bielsko-Biala, Gliwice, and Rzeszow.

PKP Intercity carried 31.2 million passengers in 2015 including 3.6 million passengers on its Pendolinos.