The technology was developed in cooperation with Bombardier’s research partners, the Austrian Institute of Technology and Mission Embedded.

Compas combines two driver assistance functions, a vision-based over-speed prevention and an automated obstacle detection assistance system. It is designed to ensure the driver always maintains full control over the vehicle by using digital track data and visual odometry to prevent the vehicle from exceeding its pre-defined speed limits.

“We have completed the development phase of Compas and will shortly start the operational evaluation in two existing vehicle fleets,” says Mr Christian Diewald, managing director of Bombardier Transportation in Austria. “I am especially happy that we are testing this safety innovation in the new vehicles for our customer Wiener Linien in Austria, but also with our customer in Blackpool, Britain.”

The new system is expected to be granted commercial service authorisation by mid-2020, with additional functions, such as increased vehicle autonomy enabling automated operation in depots, planned to for future integration.

Compas builds upon Bombardier’s Obstacle Detection Assistance System (ODAS) introduced in Frankfurt, Germany, in 2017.