The base order comprises 85 33m-long bidirectional vehicles, 18 33m-long unidrectional vehicles, and 24 24m-long unidirectional vehicles. The contract includes an option for 45 33m-long vehicles of each type.

All vehicles in the base order will be delivered by the end of 2022 and the vehicles in the option by the end of 2023.

Warsaw Tramways says the investment in new vehicles means 80% of its fleet will be low-floor by 2023.

The order is being funded with the aid of a Zlotys 285m grant from the European Union.

Warsaw Tramways says up to 60% of the components used in the new vehicles will come from EU suppliers and at least 40% of the fleet will be assembled in Poland. Medcom will provide power electronic equipment, while Warsaw-based ATM will supply data recorders.

Warsaw is adding nearly 20km to its tram network, including extensions to Wilanów and Goclaw, which will be served by the new LRVs.