The assets being transferred between the two state-owned companies have been valued at Koruna 3.3bn ($US 137m). This is only around half the amount origianlly envisaged because the European Commission argued that an amount higher than the price now agreed would constitute illegal state aid.

Around 1500 stations and their staff will transfer to SŽDC, which in the short-term will spend around Koruna 500m on minor repairs and improvements which do not require building permits. While this work is being carried out SŽDC will plan a more comprehensive programme of improvements.

The deal includes Prague's main Nádraží station, where ČD has developed commercial activities with Italian State Railways (FS) subsidiary Grande Stazioni.

Several major stations are excluded from the sale including Prague Masarykovo, where there are issues concerning land ownership, and the main station in Brno, which is due to be replaced by a new station at a different location.