RAIL Baltica Estonia has invited bids for a third main line construction tender. The tender is for the 7.1km section from Loone to Hagudi. It is hoped to award the contract before the end of the year so that construction can begin in early 2024.

This section includes two railway viaducts, a road viaduct and what Rail Baltica Estonia describes as two ecoducts to allow wildlife to safely cross the line. In addition, there will be a 224m-long railway bridge and nearly 5km of noise barriers. 

The new Loone - Hagudi standard-gauge section will intersect with Edelaraudtee’s existing 1520mm-gauge line. Therefore, a temporary bypass will be built to allow the construction of the new Pureva viaduct, Tamme road tunnel, and Röa ecoduct. In the future, Edelaraudtee tracks will use the same alignment as the 250km/h Rail Baltica line.

Rail Baltic Estonia has already announced tenders for the construction of a 9.4km section from the border of Harju and Rapla counties to Sihi Road and a 4.8km section from Ülemiste station to the intersection with Lagedth Road.

“Within the past six months, we have announced construction tenders for the Rail Baltica main line covering 21km, and it is likely that we will add a similar volume to the tender registry within this year,” says Mr Anvar Salomets, CEO of Rail Baltica Estonia.

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